Dead Sea Medica is working towards a clean planet without chemicals where everybody can consume clean water, clean vegetables and fruits that are non-toxic and do not harm mental and physical health.
With over 30 years of experience in agriculture we offer you our innovation in:
- Crop protection against all Fungal diseases, All pests and Plant Bacterial diseases.
- Soil treatments against Nematodes Bacterial & Fungal soil diseases.
- Post Harvest treatments for vegetables & fruits.

Dead Sea Medica
For A Better Tomorrow, Today.

Dead Sea Medica
Ecological, Hydroceutical And Natural Health Solutions.
We're sure keeping you and your environment as healthy and as clean as possible is in your best interests. So, we welcome you to get familiar with our Ecological, Hydroceutical and Natural solutions for a wide range of problems, from Human, Pets and Livestock health to Agricultural and Environmental solutions.
Our vision:
A clean planet without chemicals, where everyone can consume clean water, clean vegetables and fruits that are non-toxic and do not harm mental and physical health.
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Why is our job important?
It can help with

Our main goal is to lead the world into a more caring and considerate way of existence for generations to come.

From bacterium to insects, the world is facing a serious problem with antimicrobial resistance and resistance to chemical pest control – a consequence of overuse and misuse of antimicrobials and pesticides.
Chemical Residues
Many of today's pesticides leave chemical residues, which could build up to harmful levels in the body as well as in the environment.
Our products are completely safe to use.
Why not?
We should not choose to use harmful products when more efficient and ecological solutions exist.
Contact Us
We are here to help!
Contact Info
51 Magdiel Rd, Hod Hasharon, Israel.