Dead Sea Medica is working towards a clean planet without chemicals where everybody can consume clean water, clean vegetables and fruits that are non-toxic and do not harm mental and physical health.
With over 30 years of experience in agriculture we offer you our innovation in:
- Crop protection against all Fungal diseases, All pests and Plant Bacterial diseases.
- Soil treatments against Nematodes Bacterial & Fungal soil diseases.
- Post Harvest treatments for vegetables & fruits.

Animals Products

Livestock Products
Human health is closely linked to the health and welfare of animals and to that of the environment. This is the principle underpinning “One Health”, whereby livestock agri-food systems are at the crossroads of human, animal and environmental health. With the growth in livestock production comes increased use of antimicrobials, not only to treat infections but also to prevent disease and promote growth. Antimicrobial consumption by livestock is almost three times that in human medicine. Inappropriate use in livestock exacerbates the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in livestock pathogens, which compromises treatment and readily spreads to the human population.
The demand for organically grown, animal derived and natural products is increasing due to a growing desire for consumer products that have minimal chemical inputs and high animal welfare standards. Evaluation of the scientific literature suggests that a major challenge facing organic animal production systems is the management and treatment of health-related issues.
Pets Products
Pets are subject to many of the same health issues that people are, therefore it is safe to assume that owners are looking for natural and safe health solutions for their pets.
Studies have shown that the bond between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring happiness to their owners. But there’s something else you should know.
Pets sometimes carry germs that can make people sick. The diseases people get from animals are known as zoonotic diseases.
All of our products are based on all-natural organic materials.
• All ingredients used in treatment products
are pharmaceutical, Pure grade.
• All product ingredients are FDA listed as
Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and by
the EPA as FIFRA 25(b) compliant, exempt from
Federal EPA registration.

Double Impact
Double Impact is a natural and organic product designed to repel and kill fleas and ticks. The product kills the insect through its physiological structure destroying both internally and externally. The products smell acts as a repellent against future infestation. The minerals in the product stimulate disinfect and soothe the animals skin. - The product's action assists the animal’s skin repair from the insect damage and reduces healing time to just a few hours. - The product can be used for all types of animals small and large including birds without any danger of poisoning. - The product is 100% natural and totally safe for children and pregnant women and is safe to be handled without gloves or other protective materials.

Double Impact Natural Shampoo
Our natural shampoo with it's anti bacterial action, effectiveness against fleas ticks and other parasitic insects and for the treatment of bites and scratches. - The natural animal shampoo’s ingredients are rich with Dead Sea minerals, natural oils and flower extracts which keep the skin and fur clean. The minerals in the product hydrate disinfect and soothe the animal’s skin and reducing the healing time from insect bites and scratches to just a few hours. - The ingredients act as an insect repellent and odour neutralizer. - The product can be used for all types of animals small and large including birds without any danger of poisoning. - The product is 100% natural and totally safe. Can be applied without gloves or other protective materials.

SOS Herbal Extract
SOS is our curative product for animals skin & gum infections based on special herbal extracts. For treating skin, external epithel and ulcers, trauma, seborrhea, diaper, radiation damages, Acne, Herpes, Candida, and Calamida.

SOS Dermal Cream
Herbal Skin Remedy for the treatment of skin disorders: - to stop bleeding and to seal, and heal wounds, burns, cuts, tooth extractions. - for herpes virus ulcers for skin fungi, rashes, and dermatitis . - for insect bites, poison ivy and other itchy or allergic skin reactions . - to heal herpes wounds (labial or vaginal).

Horses Natural Treatment & Support
All products are based on all natural and organic materials
All ingredients used in treatment products are pharmaceutical grade
All product ingredients are FDA listed as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and by the EPA as FIFRA 25(b) compliant, exempt from FederalEPA registration
Medicated Ophthalmic Ointment
Our Medicated Ophthalmic Ointment is for the treatment of acute or chronic eye irritation in animals associated with bacteria or yeast infections susceptible to polyherbal treatment. At the heart of this formulation is a unique blend of 100% organic herbs and minerals that have proven effective in controlling infections and help to repair damaged tissue from injuries. Our unique blending process creates highly effective antibacterial and antifungal treatments for animals. They are safe to use without risk of antibiotic resistance buildup and offers the highest level of animal safety. • Tested by Veterinarians and recommended for everyday use for acute or chronic eye irritation and infections. • Ideal for eye infections such as conjunctivitis and injury. Rehabilitates and immediately soothes the eye. • Suitable for use on all animals Ingredients: All-natural polyherbal blend proven to help control bacteria, fungus and yeast infections. Non-toxic and biodegradable.

Therapeutic Gel
Our Therapeutic GEL is a unique compound of all natural organic herbs and minerals that’s proven to speed healing of wounds, reduce inflammation and scarring, and kill bacteria. Promotes the regeneration and rehabilitation of cell tissue encouraging rapid wound healing. • Proven to kill most bacterial and fungal pathogens while providing cooling desensitizing. • All natural organic herbs and minerals that contain no antibiotics or steroids. • Veterinarian tested and approved. • Effective on bites, burns, cuts, skin abrasions, abscesses, ulcerations, skin rashes, hot spots, cinch fungus, topical fungal infections, scratches, hives and allergic reactions, and surgical incisio Soothing and grease-less therapeutic gel made from a unique blend of natural organic ingredients that have been veterinary tested and recommended. Veterinarian studies confirm that wounds showed excellent healing speed and the product promoted the formation of healthy wound beds that persist without bandaging. Test cases demonstrated successful healing with minimal scarring and the natural re-growth of hair. Used for the treatment of small scratches and hot spots on dogs to large severe wounds, our GEL is an ideal therapy for all animals. It controls infection, reduces inflammation and desensitizes a wound area significantly increasing an animal’s comfort. Our gel contains no antibiotics or steroids and is ideally suited for all animals. Ingredients: All-natural organic plant-based herbs and minerals Non-toxic and biodegradable.

Medicated Wash
Our Medicated Horse Wash product is an all-natural everyday medicated wash that stops fungal dermatitis and keeps the animal’s coat in top condition. Ideal for use on horses, livestock, dogs and cats. The product may be used for both curative and preventative conditions. Clinically tested and recommended by Veterinarians, this all-natural ingredient based topical wash is the preferred choice of many trainers and performance horse owners. This is the only wash that is clinically tested and proven to effectively control many forms of topical dermatitis including girth itch, rain rot, ringworm and is non-allergenic for sensitive skins. Non-toxic and biodegradable. • Stops topical bacterial and fungal diseases on contact. • Effectively treats topical fungal infections, scratches, hives and skin allergy conditions. • Eliminates dry or flakey skin on your horse. • Reconditions coat and leaves skin clean and the coat with show condition shine. Also helps brighten white hair. • Uses no soaps or alcohol. • Veterinarian tested and approved.

Immune Support - Oral Paste
Organic polyherbal bundle with vegetable extracts and minerals in an oral paste formulation that is designed to support the immune system during an active infection. This support results in a faster more efficient resolution and a quicker return to health for the animal while minimizing losses experienced by the producer. Our innovative approach uses only naturally derived ingredients classified by the FDA as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) components with the results being an exceptional degree of safety with a minimum of deleterious side effects. A new age of organic production. Oral paste designed to maximize the support of the immune system during the course of an infection.

Anti Bacterial Wash
For Large Animal & Equine A revolutionary broad spectrum antibacterial surface cleaner with varied application potential. Veterinary applications can include washing of stalls, sanitizing operating and examination areas including equipment and foot baths. Can be packaged as a field hand and equipment sanitizer. CleanAway provides control with 99.99% confirmed kill rates of E.coli, Salmonella, Rhodococcus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa important because P. aeruginosa has a low antibiotic susceptibility with other bacterial analysis still in testing. Recommended as a replacement for all chlorine based chemical cleaners.

A unique and strong repellent against flies, insects and mites with varied application potential. FlyAway further acts by creating a residual barrier layer on the skin and surfaces providing long term protection. FlyAway is made of 100% natural ingredients. Non toxic to humans, domestic animals and livestock. Non toxic to fish and awuatic invertebrates.

Horses, Poultry & Swine - Cockroach & Beetle Control Bug Shot is sold to the PCO markets for cockroach, beetle and general insect control. Safe for use around animal grains and feed, water, people and animals. It is similar to the Stall and Barn Wash without odor and ammonia control features.

*All the products listed above are a collection that is currently being sold in the US through a distribution deal with Anjon USA. Therefore, for branded names and packaging the purchase must go through the distributor.
There is an option to buy the base products straight from us, the manufacturer, Dead Sea Medica LTD.
Additional Products
For Horses & Farming

Darkling Beetles Control
An effective all natural and organic mixture of water-soluble compounds formulated for the poultry industry to control Darkling Beetle insect population. Controls population by killing all stages of insect development.

Clean Hoof - White Line Disease Treatment
This polyherbal compound rehabilitates the infections in horses horseshoe and hoof areas. Contains anti Bacterial/Fungal and tissue rehabilitation agents. Anti Bacterial herbal extracts, tissue regeneration agents derived from roots extracts. After application the treated area is insulated from the outside via a Gel formation bandage that the product provides. Field trails have been successfully conducted on White Line disease with six test cases over a one year period. The bacterial and fungal pathogens causing the disease were successfully killed and the disease progression was stopped. Severe lameness was observed in two of the studies and soundness was restored in the first week of treatment. A series of four injectable treatments between the hoof walls were administered at different intervals. All four studies proved that the infection could be stopped effectively. In addition, the practice of removing the outer wall of the hoof appeared not necessary in controlling the infection.

Oral Anti-Salmonella Treatment
A single antibacterial oral application for young (30 day old) animals to eradicate gastrointestinal immune compromising bacteria in young animals that may retard weight gain. Design to be used as a prophylactic treatment. A broad spectrum antimicrobial herbal formulation that has no resistance issues.
For internal bleedings. Can be used to treat external bleedings as well.
Double Impact
Easy and healthy way to handle pests and Parasites on Horses.
Horses' Mouth Health
Spray to heal all ulcers, infections, Fungal diseases in Mouth and Throat.
Easy Air
Respiratory Support - Support of respiration or allergy appearances.
High concentrated Anti-Oxidants with super bioavailability to the Heart tissue.
Compressen for Tendons and Cartliage pain relief.
Natural Shampoo
Herbal & mineral horse Shampoo. Keeps the animal clean from Bacteria and Fungal.
Anti Oxidant Formula
Supplement to treat Oxidation Stress in Horses. E+ Se+ Beta Carotene feeding mixture.
Oxygen enhancement Iron Supplement before racing
This product support the ephitel of the animal's intestinal tract.
Feeding mixture for joint and muscle relief.
Clean Ear
Easy and healthy way to clean and disinfect the Horse ear.
Energy Formula
Food Supplement as an energizer for Horses. Contains slow release energy for blood sugar balancing.
Stress Relief
Respiratory Support - Support of respiration during relax time and Horserace.
Bone Structure Osteoblastica.
Muscle System - Proteins and amino acids from plants and Spirulina Alge.